About Blue Collar
Blue Collar Clothing Co. is more than a brand, it represents a lifestyle that so many men and women are proud of. I founded the company with great pride in making an honest day’s living working with my hands. Raised in northern Michigan I started building skills and working with my hands at a very young age. To this day I am part owner and manage WoodHaven Log & Lumber where I started learning what it means to take great pride in working with my hands for a living and being proud to be a skilled laborer. I am proud to be a hardworking, middle class, blue collar American and provide a brand that’s forged to represent hard workers everywhere.

Working Hard is a Lifestyle
Blue Collar Clothing Co. is for those who understand working hard is a lifestyle, not a fad. For those who forge their own way in life, who take pride in their job and give 100%. Blue Collar workers are not entitled to anything, therefore we bust our asses to get what we want and earn respect. Working hard is what we do. Proud to be Blue Collar. Rep it proudly or not at all.
Blue Collar Clothing is an America 1st, constitutionalist, earn your way, capitalist company. Are you the same?
Not for the Lazy
Let’s face it: entitled, lazy people suck. We stand with those who work hard and get shit done, not those who want to sit around and complain. That’s why we’re the blue-collar working class. Wear the label with pride.